What is YOUR NameScore?

#0 - April 24, 2010, 11:37 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I have a much better way to select the find the bads in your potential raids. Here is a list to help you determine your NameScore! It scales from 10 to -50, be sure to post your results (and not take this seriously.)

Your name contains a popular acronym: -3
Your name contains your class: -4
Your name contains a move from your class: -3
Your name contains a move from another class: -6
Your name contains accented letters: -1 per
Your name is a non-proper noun or verb: -2
Your name is a sentence: -5
Your name contains the word Death, Arthas, Legolas, or Sephiroth: -7
Your name contains the above words, and they are misspelled or contain accented letters: -20
Your name is of a popular celebrity: -3
Your name states that you hate/kill alliance/horde: -10
Your name ONLY consists of an acronym: -5
Your name contains Moo, Steak, or Beef, and you are a tauren: -4
Your name contains Moo, Steak, or Beef and you are NOT a tauren: -7
Your name is that referring to a short stature and you are a gnome or dwarf: -3
Your name contains the word Blood, Hate, or Rage: -4
Your name contains your race: -3
Your name is that of a pre-existing boss: -5
Your name is that of a piece of equipment: -6
Your name is a non-proper noun or verb that is misspelled: -5
Your name contains an in-game attribute: -4
Your name looks like you face-rolled on the creation screen: -7
Your name is very difficult to pronounce: -3
Your name contains the word Bank, Toon, Alt, or Char: -3 per
Your name contains a race or class that you are not: -8

Your name is original: +5
Your name is witty and clever: Removes all negative points, +3
Your name is easy to pronounce: +2

So, what is YOUR NameScore?

First one to -50 gets a cookie.
#88 - April 25, 2010, 3:39 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Definitely a 5
Possibly a 7
If enough people insist, I'll take the 10 ;)