The downfall of WoW/Blizzard

#0 - April 21, 2010, 12:55 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I was just listening to "the Instance" a podcast/show about world of warcraft, they were talking about the new paid mount when they made 1 very good point and 1 very scary but good prediction.

1. They said that when blizzard makes multiple million dollars within a few hours, you know they will do it again.

Keep in mind, the new mount/pet arnt new designs, they are already made 3D models, shrunk down and repurposed.

Next time will it be a customizable 340% speed flying mount for 50 dollars?

On the topic of point 1. i can say that blizzard must be very careful not to focus on the 15-20 percent of their players that buy these mounts or pets, and remember about the other 80%. This game ultimately will die out if they cross the very thin line of giving players who pay extra an advantage.

2. The instance made the prediction that they arnt doing this for the sake of profits (which is a fairly good side-affect) but they are testing to maybe implement this in a new way in their new MMO in the future.

In other words, farmville or the app "we rule"

Blizzard, just be very careful, you are at the border of destroying all you have made. And let me just say it a simple slip could be very deadly at this stage.

the mount DOES provide an ingame advantage via not having to spend gold on a mount. Now this isn't much gold at all, but it is something. You are effectively spending real world money on gold based on the ingame economy.
P.S. i have no doubts in blizzard, i think they will think things over before any radical ideas. But the implementation of starting a death knight at 55 makes me wonder about some accidental possible slips.

EDIT: many people have said blizzard will never cross the line, it depends where the line is, what if they offered a 310 percent mount in the store? this seems very possible to me, and yet it belittles what others have worked so hard for.

Although it is very obvious to tell when the line has been crossed, determining where the line is, could be a very controversial question

#43 - April 21, 2010, 1:49 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Next time will it be a customizable 340% speed flying mount for 50 dollars?

This is a very fine, but determined line. The purpose of allowing the Celestial Steed to scale with your riding skill is so that it can be useful to anyone in the game, but does not provide one with a better mount from a gameplay standpoint.
#80 - April 21, 2010, 2:14 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Everything you can ever imagine will happen at an undetermined point in the future.

There, now you can stop worrying and enjoy the game you're playing now.
#88 - April 21, 2010, 2:17 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Or quit now and save us from wasting the time in the future.

How does one waste time in the future? Is this the beginning of an Abbott and Costello routine? :)