No PR on PvP gear = easy hard mode weps?

#0 - April 27, 2010, 7:40 p.m.
Blizzard Post
With the removal of PR requirements on PvP gear, does this mean that people will be able to purchase hard mode ilvl weapons from the PvP vendor? As mainly a PvE raider, I was fine with PvP'ers getting weapons equal in item level to hard mode weapons, since they needed to get 2200 rating to get one, which is a substantial rating that nearly no one can achieve.

However, come Cataclysm, with personal rating requirements on gear gone, does this mean that PvP weapons will be always a tier behind (at the "normal" item level), or will we see everyone and their mother rolling with a hard mode ilvl weapon from PvP? Will I have to do arenas every week like I did in TBC S1 and S2 in order to have the best weapon I can get in the least amount of time? I really hope you didn't just add another thing I have to do this week that I don't want to do.

I hope you aren't doing away with the 2 tier PvP system all together because I think it is good that PvP players can earn top level PvP rewards, but I think the prospect of anyone being able to pick up a hard mode weapon for losing 10 games a week sets a bad precedent from the game.
#142 - April 29, 2010, 3:59 a.m.
Blizzard Post
This is the kind of thing that we're likely to iterate on a lot before Cataclysm and the new PvP season go live, but it will probably be something like those PvP weapons the same ilevel as raid weapons will require no rating but a lot of Conquest points, while those PvP weapons the same ilevel as the HEROIC raid weapons will require a rating of some kind.

We want everyone who is interested in PvP to have a reasonable shot of getting decent gear so they can actually compete. We also want to still offer rewards to those players who are the best of the best at PvP. We don't want everyone just dying their way to the most powerful weapons in the game.

When we've settled on and are ready to talk about ilevels, then it will be easier to have a discussion about actual numbers and not just goals.