Lil Xt, Toy train, etc. enough is enough

#0 - April 20, 2010, 2:35 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Seriously, these little novelty items might be cute and all for some but I find these items totally repulsive and it ruins my enjoyment of this game. Why in the hell should I have to listen to this crap just because somebody paid money for them. This game is flooded with irritant little #@!#s that get pure enjoyment by causing others strife. Shut off the noises permanently or give us the option to disable these sounds. Enough is enough, World of Warcraft used to be about people enjoying the game, now its all about lining pockets with cash.
#14 - April 20, 2010, 2:53 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Watching murloc marines battle little zerglings while in a raid enhances my enjoyment of the game.
#58 - April 20, 2010, 4:01 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Do they really?

Devs don't really have the option of dissent here. If they call it a moneygrab, they'll get fired. They all have to swallow their thoughts on the topic, and follow the company line.

Stifling your moral reflexes has always been a big part of the corporate environment, and always will be. You just reconcile it with yourself by saying "this isn't a big deal, it's just how business works".

Yes, they really do. It's cool to have flavor items for down time. You can presume to know exactly how I must think and feel on such matters, and therefore determine my entire moral compass based on said presumption as it pertains to my line of work. Or you could acknowledge the fact that players have differing opinions on what aspects of the game bring them joy.

The original poster spoke to one side. I just spoke to another. I don't care what color my text is. My statement of opinion is still valid in this case, and it represents the opinion of many other players.