RAF: Already played a trial

#0 - April 29, 2010, 12:17 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I have been watching the refer a friend (RAF) stuff going down the last couple years with the zhevra and now the rocket. I never really gave it much thought, and now suddenly I have a friend who wants a referral for the bonus EXP, and I'm not even sure of some of the answers to his questions.

I have looked through the page, and through all the FAQ stuff, and I can't work out these questions:

1. If a person has already done a trial before and has created a battle.net account, can I stil refer them somehow?

2. If we're questing and getting 3x experience, I know he's not getting the rested bonus... but is his rested bonus wearing off anyway? Like if he was rested to max, then we played straight for 2 levels and then I went offline... would he be getting 2x rested bonus exp or would it have all worn off from the leveling?

3. Can he level up as many characters to 60 in those 90 days as he can and pass on those level points, or is there an overall point cap? like if he levels 3 chars to 60 does he earn 90 points or only 30?

Any help would be appreciated.
#5 - April 29, 2010, 12:47 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

It is possible for someone to have multiple WoW accounts (merged to the same or different Battle.Net accounts) However, in order to do the RAF Trial to earn benefits they would have to be creating a new WoW account. It cannot be retroactively be applied to an expired Trial account or Full Account.

The rested experience does not wear off or get used. However, it does cap at a maximum of 150% of a level, if I remember right.

If he leveled three characters to 60, he could grant you 30 levels from each of the characters. There is no limit other than time and his capacity to level characters, but it is important to remember that only the character that earned the levels can grant them and they have to be granted before the link expires.

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3/3 Correct Answers pertaining to the Recruit A Friend system as an MVP poster.

Q u o t e:
This is also something I'm worried about.

There shouldn't be too much cause for alarm. The primary reason why this doesn't always go as planned is that both Veteran and Recruit are processing the Recruit A Friend invitation from the same computer. If you send the invite and have your friend accept it from the same computer, just make sure that you are fully logged out of your Battle.net account before they click the link in the invitation email, and this should help avoid any confusion.