New Cata raid ID is TERRIBLE

#0 - April 26, 2010, 4:45 p.m.
Blizzard Post
From the sound of it, they're cutting the raids you can do by half. ICC is really the only thing I need now. I do TOC just for fun. So instead of 4 raids (ICC25/10 TOC25/10) a week, I'd be down to 2?!

HOW is this a good thing? People seem to be happy, but it basically sounds to me like:

a. 25 mans are pretty much going to die out


b. There will be less raids to do per week in Cata

It seems like a very poorly thought out idea to me. Unless there are 5+ raids at launch and they DON'T become trvialized like they did in WOTLK, we will be MORE content starved at 85 than we are now.
#10 - April 26, 2010, 4:57 p.m.
Blizzard Post
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