Cataclysm 10/25 raid locking sharing is GREAT

#0 - April 26, 2010, 4:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post
While everyone who only runs 10 mans are obviously jumping up and down in joy, I think this is beneficial to the 25-person raiders as well, for the following reasons:

- Greater diversity of content. No longer are you pressured to spend time on the same raid in both versions in order to get badges. Now you can use that time to do other raids/achievements.

- Alts are more important now: Gearing an alt can be tough, since you can't get them into your guild's raids. Well spots have just opened up, and anyone who cares enough to complain about this change can easily have one ready to go by the time of the expansion.

Some are saying that this will diminish 25 raiding...which is incorrect! That is still the form that quality guilds will strive for, both because of quality of loot, and also because guilds aren't going to voluntarily downsize. What it means is that:
If a RL emergency happens and you can't get 25 people, running 2 10-man runs instead is a viable option
Bad 25man pugs won't happen, it will be much easier to put together raids for casuals.
#2 - April 26, 2010, 5:02 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I guess you didn't notice that the other thread was locked and the poster was told to submit his feedback into the existing thread?

Here is the thread: