I'll never ever level an alt again

#0 - April 22, 2010, 5:04 a.m.
Blizzard Post
That's the best decision I've taken since I started playing WoW: completely ignoring my alts for an entire expansion.

In Vanilla and TBC, I had several level 60 / 70 alts. I had roles for all my characters: one was the raiding toon, the other was my PvP DPS toon, the third was the multitask healer... I even had a "farming" slave.

In WotlK, I've decided to spend all my time on one single character; for raiding, BGs, Arena, achievments, everything.

As a result :
- I'm among the best and most geared players of my guild.
- No one ever ask me to fill a role I don't feel to, or ask me to switch toon for a boss, only to see the loot I needed drop.
- My guildmates think I'm awesome, instead of saying that I have several "okay" toons
- I kick butts in PvP by mixing PvP ang PvE gear, depending of what I have at the moment.
- When I'm around waiting for a raid to start, and I see a horde getting ganked, I switch to my PvP specc and gear and I show the ennemy no mercy.
- I never say "I wish I had that mount, (or rare pet, or achievment...), on my other toon".
- There's always a time, during the week, when I did everything I needed to do, so I spend more time with my family.
- I have tons of gold.
- I have clear objectives and I have a lot less "unfihished buiseness". I don't get bored anymore after a while.

I know that playing different roles is fun as well... I did it for two expansions. But I will never regret the day I decided to spend all my time and efforts on a single character.

Forget your alts, it's healthier :D
#46 - April 22, 2010, 4:46 p.m.
Blizzard Post
You say this now, but will the draw of the worgen or goblins tempt you? I guess we'll see as we move forward. ;)

It's great to hear that you're enjoying the character you have. There's absolutely nothing wrong with your choice really. Some people like having the variety of jumping from character to character while others prefer to stick to just one and make it their best.

That said, I like the cut of your jib and am glad that you're having a good time. That's the point really. :)