Man, I missed out on so much in Vanilla :' (

#0 - April 21, 2010, 6:06 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Been playing WoW since mid 2007. Thats about 3 years, but I still feel like I missed well over half the game. People (both in WoW and just people I talk to in RL) make so many references to Vanilla, its starting to annoy me how much I missed just by starting the game a few months too late.

I mean look at aspects of WoW and notable things that people will refer to years from now. Another way to look at it, imagine you missed one expansion pack, what would you regret not being there for?

- The dawn of acheivments
- Ulduar being a great instance, Firefighter in particular as being a example of a well designed boss
- Early on when ret pallys and DKs being hilariously OP, they could 2 shot just about anyone
- Arthas fight.

Burning Crusade
- Sunwell bosses are the metric to which all other bosses are measured to ("Looks like Putracide is going to be the Muru of this instance")
- Epic attunement quests that rewarded the only titles. Titles were rare and meant something.
- "Walking throught the dark portal the first time". This is a favorite memory of many from BC, but it only applies to those who played in Vanilla : /

- Southshore/Taren Mill wars
- Old AV
- 40 man raids, raids so large that each class would often talk in their own sub-raid channel
- 1 guild being able to initiate a server wide event
- No neutral city with porals everywhere. You had a hearth in Org and you took a boat to get to UC. Only time you saw alliance was when you were killing alliance.
- PvP kill videos, famous PvPers, no flying away from fights, and PvP titles
- World bosses
- No paladins on Horde, no shaman on Ally. Also 2-H enchancement shamans and shamans that offtanked with shield spec.
- Epic gear being epic (not saying this is nessesarily better, but it would have been nice to see)
- Being around and idenifying with the now famous moments in Wow shown on Youtube. Like doing the same raid as Leeroy Jenkins, or participating in the PvP raid in Winterspring against the unarmed furneral parade, etc
- Taurens don't need mounts, they have Plainstriding.

See what I mean? Half the people I know in RL that played WoW only played in vanilla and is sad how I can't relate to anything exciting they talk about. I am completly clueless when they get into stories about how awesome old AV was, or how crazy C'thun was, or how thier guild master called them at 4am and told them to get online since So-and-so guild was requesting the aid of your guild to down a world boss before the alliance could muster the 50 men that it took to kill the world dragon.

So many good stories and youtube videos about Vanilla, and almost nothing exciting ever talked about from BC.
#76 - April 21, 2010, 8:37 p.m.
Blizzard Post
And then we added synergies in 1.10 which ended up killing a lot of build potential by forcing more linear point spending to reach a... wait, where am I?