Catch up on the latest World of Warcraft news with This Week in WoW (TWiW)!
The War Within PTR: 11.0.7 Content Update
The War Within 11.0.7 content update is available for testing. Set your sights on Siren Isle, sail into a world of mystery and mayhem to experience the adventures ahead:
- Face old enemies and unravel new mysteries on the Siren Isle
- Delve into the aftermath of Dalaran's fall to explore the fate of the Kirin Tor
- Continue the story of The War Within and uncover a familiar face in the darkness in the prologue to the 11.1 campaign.
Head over to the PTR to start testing, and don't forget to provide your feedback on the official forums.
It’s an Anniversary Celebration at the November Trading Post!
Celebrate 20 years of World of Warcraft and 30 years of Warcraft in November’s Trading Post! You’ll find a variety of transmog appearances to fill your collection, including four iconic back appearance shields representing the factions of Warcraft III— Orc, Human, Night Elf, and Scourge.
This month, the bar has been extended, allowing you to earn an additional 500 Trader’s Tender through a variety of activities and expanding your spending power at the Trading Posts.
Arsenal: Crests of the Kingdom
“When chaos gripped Azeroth, these factions shaped the fate of all.”
Complete activities to fill the bar at the top of the Traveler’s Log found in the Adventure Guide (Shift-J), and you'll receive this month's bonus reward — Arsenal: Crests of the Kingdom.
Visit T&W** (Tawney and Wilder) just outside the Mage District in Stormwind or the Zen’shiri Trading Post next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar to check out all the latest items they have available.
Players can also visit the Trading Post in the capital city of Dornogal (The Foregrounds) on the Isle of Dorn where representatives of both Tawney and Wilder and the Zen’shiri Trading Post are open for business.
Champions new or returning to World of Warcraft and The War Within who want to know more can take a tour of the Trading Post to learn everything you need to know, from where to find it to how you can earn additional Trader's Tender through the Traveler's Log.
Here's Some of the November Stock
Read through our previously published article for a detailed list of all the items available from the November Trading Post and how to get them.
Cataclysm Classic: Rage of the Firelands Update is Now Live; Firelands Raid Opens on November 7
Calling defenders of Azeroth to brave the inferno and push back against Ragnaros and his wayward loyalists—the Rage of the Firelands update is now live, and the Firelands Raid arrives November 7 at 3:00 pm PST.
The Rage of the Firelands content update will burn an indelible mark in Azeroth's history. Take on the new Elemental Bonds questline, and increase the challenges for powerful rewards with the new Elemental Rune Dungeons: Protocol Inferno difficulty option. Then, soon after the update, the legendary Firelands Raid arrives with its Raid tier armor and weapons, two new mounts, Achievements, and seven unique boss encounters.
This will also be the stop for Druid, Mage, Priest, Shaman, or Warlock in their quest to build the legendary staff Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest, a weapon of unsurpassed quality that requires a spectacular effort to construct. Like the Shadowmourne questline in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, adjustments have been made to make Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest, faster to acquire on both 10 and 25-player raid sizes.
More details await you in our previously published article.
Rally Your Forces for Season of Discovery Phase 6 on November 21
Face your fears when you gather your allies to confront the Old God, C’thun in Ahn’Qiraj, and the Dragons of Nightmare in the Nightmare Grove, plus more in Season of Discovery Phase 6.
Before you go charging into Ahn’Qiraj, you’ll need to begin your journey with the "Scepter of the Shifting Sands" questline, which begins ahead of the phase on November 12 with regional resets.
Here’s what you can look forward to in the weeks to come:
- November 12: Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline opens with regional resets.
- November 21: Ahn’Qiraj War Effort begins at 1:00 pm PST globally.
- November 29: The War Effort ends.
- December 4: The war heralding the arrival of Anubisath and the qiraji warriors begins.
- December 6: Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj, and Nightmare Grove Open.
For more detailed information on how to begin the journey to Ahnm'Qiraj, read through our previously published article.
Spooky Audio Design from The War Within
Join Sound Designers Michael Hill, Josh Miramontes, and Justin Prymowicz as they reveal their inventive techniques to create the chilling soundscape of World of Warcraft's Azj-Kahet and Hallowfall.
"In World of Warcraft, we're trying to convince you that Azeroth is a real place. Back at WoW's launch, due to technical limitations, you just have this simple stereo loop. Today, we have dozens of sound emitters all around you. There's positional stuff happening everywhere you are that, I think, helps reinforce how real and grounded all of these sounds are. They're not just a file that's playing; it's a soundscape that you're a part of."- Michael Hill
Follow along on the official World of Warcraft news site for all the latest developments as we journey through the week together.