No Gryphon Hatchling in mailbox

#1 - March 16, 2010, 10:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I just successfully redeemed my code for the gryphon hatching pet, and the site said it would be waiting in my mailbox. It isn't there. :( Is there a delay or should it be instant?

Have you logged out of the game client completely since redeeming the Gryphon Hatchling?

It can sometimes take a few minutes. I'd remain logged out of the game client for about five minutes and then see if it shows up in your characters' mailboxes.
#4 - March 16, 2010, 11:13 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Have you logged out of the game client completely since redeeming the Gryphon Hatchling?

It can sometimes take a few minutes. I'd remain logged out of the game client for about five minutes and then see if it shows up in your characters' mailboxes.

Great advice! I'm really happy it immediately resolved the issue, as well. :)

For some players, you may also find that you need to visit a lower-pop zone or city before the associated mail will display in your mailbox window, as increased load can sometimes interfere with mail visibility.