Are blizz employee's selling gold now ?

#2 - March 11, 2010, 1:13 a.m.
Blizzard Post
No, Blizzard isn't selling gold.

However, gold sellers do often use teleport-hacking miners to generate income. They use compromised accounts, so it's not impossible that the characters in question have been transferred against the account holder's will, and have been returned (leading to what you see).
#9 - March 11, 2010, 1:38 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Are blizz employee's selling gold now trying to sale thorium and other goods on frostwolf is hard to
do look for the chart in the armory and it allways says player not does these people just make the stuff outof thin air dont think outsider's can make stuff like that ..So one would think that it has to be employess doing all this gold spaming and useing hacks to make stuff to put in the Ah ..If you wont proof go to frostwolf in the ah under thorium..chart name is...( <removed>) lol prob get my acct hacked for this .. Any thought guys ?

Actually, I must disagree. One would not think that employees are responsible. Why? Because Game Masters have the ability simply create gold when necessary, thus obviating the need to abuse in-game systems. In addition, we take the integrity of our staff very, very seriously, and there is great deal of oversight regarding everything Game Masters do. Staff members that are not subject to oversight, such as when playing at home, also no longer have access to the special abilities that are necessary to do the job.

So, exploitation originates elsewhere, from activities that we actually invest a substantial amount of time, money, and manpower to limit and eliminate. If you feel that another player may be making use of third party programs or otherwise exploiting World of Warcraft, please submit an in-game report, and our staff will happily investigate. Calling other players out via the forums is against our forum rules, and is not an appropriate method to raise awareness regarding the situation.

I also feel it necessary to point out that one's account cannot be compromised by creating a forum post. It isn't a mystical process that occurs apropos of nothing, and there are steps you can take to learn about account security and protect yourself. This would be a great time to review to educate yourself further.