Why is Blizz against Blackberry support?

#1 - April 14, 2011, 10:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Blackberry is the original Smartphone that without it there would be no iPhone or android phone yet Blizzard refuses to produce any mobile apps for it (other than just recently the authenticator app). Why is this?
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#17 - April 14, 2011, 10:45 p.m.
Blizzard Post
04/14/2011 03:24 PMPosted by Geronweah
Blackberry is the original Smartphone that without it there would be no iPhone or android phone yet Blizzard refuses to produce any mobile apps for it (other than just recently the authenticator app). Why is this?

We're not against Blackberry support. We have mentioned in the past that we'd like to expand on the devices we develop for, but each application takes time to develop and support properly. I can't say if and when there will be anything for it, but I can relay your feedback to the mobile team. As always, it could come down to a matter of time and payoff for developing each version of the apps.