Zul'jin: Missing Limbs Explained

#0 - Oct. 13, 2007, 3:07 a.m.
Blizzard Post
As many of you may now be aware, Zul'jin... he grown very old. But den, we Trolls no live so long as humans. He be approaching da end o' his life.

Trolls now, Trolls regenerate. Forest, Jungle, Ice... whateva', ya know this. Cut off a Troll's hand and it grow right back in a day or less. Dey even pick it up and put it back on.

Zul'jin though, he be missin' an eye and an arm.

Me guess be simple: Fire.

Like certain OTHER Trolls who shall remain nameless... ...we Trolls o' Azeroth suffer from the dangers of Flame.

Burns no grow back so good, yannow? Likely neva'.

Me guess be this. Zul'jin's eye and arm were claimed some time during his imprisonment by the humans after da fall o' da Second Horde. When they were locked in da internment camps, perhaps some Elves or some Humans who hated Zul'jin for what he did put out his eye and take his arm.

Perhaps it happened some other way?

So, Zul'jin be an ancient Troll, as Trolls go, and his arm and eye be taken from him from his years in da Wars and his imprisonment.

He be free now, and he not willingly join the Horde. He told Thrall no. So there be no.

He may be a hero, but he threatens our lands.

He may be a legend, but so was Lothar, and The Doomhammer still brought him low.

We can pray to da Loa to give Zul'jin a place o' honor in da Spirit World. For surely, no Troll has eva' deserved it more.

And, when Zul'aman stands empty, we, the Darkspear, will assume our rightful place. Zul'gurub has fallen. Soon will Zul'aman.

Let we DARKSPEAR take the role dat Zul'jin and his forest trolls were unwilling to take.

Zul'aman awakes. A new HOMELAND for the Darkspear Trolls awaits.

We will claim it!

And let no one stand in our way.

#38 - Oct. 13, 2007, 3:46 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Zul'jin's secrets are his own and so is the treasure he has compiled over the years. While we may not be able to take one entirely by force, we can take the other. :)