2.3 a sad day for enh?Lets give bliz a chance

#0 - Oct. 17, 2007, 7:37 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I understand that there are many, many things Blizzard needs to take into account when changing and adding abilities to a class. One change can throw off the entire spectrum of balance and completely overpower something, we've seen it a few times before. Blizzard's position is difficult because they want to keep the game balanced, but they want to keep their customers happy, and it's impossible to do both. That's my preface because I’m really hoping that disclaimer will encourage Eyonix to shed some light on my concern with the enhancement shaman and how it's meant to be played. I don't want to argue about anything, I just want everyone to stop making up these theoretical reasons for why things are the way they are. Please take a few minutes to explain:

Why is shamanistic rage dispelable? Why was the talent improved in 2.3? We all think it was to increase survivability in pvp situations and are extremely grateful for the change, but expect it to be almost instantly dispelled in arena, which is where we face the biggest challenge in survival. What are Blizzard's thoughts about this?

Why is stormstrike on a 10 second cooldown when comparable talents are on a 6 second or lower CD? Mortal strike can talent to less than 6 seconds, crusader strike is being reduced to 5 or 6 seconds from 10, mutilate is on a 6 second cooldown due to energy regain times. Is stormstrike considered more powerful than other talented melee attacks that it needs a longer cooldown?

What was the reason for the grounding totem change? The tooltip stated that it absorbed 1 harmful spell every 10 seconds. What was the problem with that? Was there some type of programming bug that could only be fixed by making this type of change?

Eyonix, an explanation on these issues would be appreciated by the entire shaman community. We appreciate your recent attention and desire to communicate more and respect the answers you give. There have been several posts about the questions I've made and no real Blizzard representation on them.
#49 - Oct. 19, 2007, 12:57 a.m.
Blizzard Post
This post had read, its feedback gathered and presented. We'll talk more soon.