Onyxia DIDNT drop Draconic For Dummies

#0 - Feb. 27, 2010, 2:33 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Im doing the VERY complicated and time consuming Scepter of Shifting Sands quest chain.

Today I went into an Onyxia 10-man in order to get Draconic For Dummies VI, which is a 100% drop off of her. No one else in the raid had the quest, so it should have been an absolute drop for me.

It didn't drop. In the past, like when I killed Ragnaros in Molten Core, we would loot, all the other stuff would come up and get pased out, and then after a few seconds, the boss became lootable AGAIN, and I could get the Draconic book

But this time the master looter passed out all the loot, and then the corpse just vanished!!!!

Wowwiki says this:
"Note: These pieces are white items thus they are in the round-robin loot table and cannot be master-looted. That means, for chapter 1, 6, 8 that require a raid, you have to ask the raid leader to change the loot rule to 'Free for all', or, to ask every member to check boss' corpse even they don't have this quest. In the latter case, a single logged or HSed member may make your effort in vain. "

It seems to me that the only people the item would become available for is ones with the quest - meaning only me!

What happened? I'm deeply upset.
#11 - Feb. 27, 2010, 4:49 p.m.
Blizzard Post
To be clear, Chapter VI of Draconic for Dummies does still drop off of Onyxia. I sincerely apologize for any confusion many of you have experienced, but this is definitely intended.