Enhance shaman still suck

#0 - Oct. 11, 2007, 9:07 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Why is it that enhance shaman will still suck after the patch? Don't worry, i'll wait!

Okay, let me explain.

Shamanistic Rage is a joke because,

1- Rogues will vanish and wait till the 30% damage reduction is gone, then kill us with their op class and their newly added buffs to make them even better.

2- Warriors will just still laugh at us and what not.

3- Any class that can remove the buff will do so and make a /laugh macro.

4- Shaman vs Shaman, we should just laugh at each other for fun.

5- Frost shock with no dm is still useless cause dispel works wonders and blessing of freedom. (Yes, I know you can purge but still).

6- Hunters can now dispel it also (After patch)

7- Mages can spell steal it I believe and if not blink away and ice block or whatever till it wears off. (Also frost nova us)

8- Walocks, well we already know they are OP and channel life drain and mana drain through walls.

9- Paladins will be pretty good in dps from what I hear but cannot confirm this and will just bubble and run away till our rage runs out too.

I beg the developers of WOW to please go and take some classes on how to BALANCE CLASSES! Also please learn how to code a spell from being stopped when line of sighted! You know, those nice channel spells that locks, mages and priests have!

/end rant.

Shamans need some type of CC or anti CC... now not when the expansion comes out in like 10 years.

Edit: Oh ya, and your nerfing elemental shaman too. GG Blizzard.. elemental focus IS a nerf not a buff... 20% more LO proc is a nerf too and not a buff. Bye, bye crit build shaman cause of that nerf. At this point resto shaman will be the only viable spec to go for pvp. BORING!
#25 - Oct. 11, 2007, 7:53 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Why is it that enhance shaman will still suck after the patch? Don't worry, i'll wait!

Okay, let me explain.

Shamanistic Rage is a joke because,

1- Rogues will vanish and wait till the 30% damage reduction is gone, then kill us with their op class and their newly added buffs to make them even better.

2- Warriors will just still laugh at us and what not.

3- Any class that can remove the buff will do so and make a /laugh macro.

4- Shaman vs Shaman, we should just laugh at each other for fun.

5- Frost shock with no dm is still useless cause dispel works wonders and blessing of freedom. (Yes, I know you can purge but still).

6- Hunters can now dispel it also (After patch)

7- Mages can spell steal it I believe and if not blink away and ice block or whatever till it wears off. (Also frost nova us)

8- Walocks, well we already know they are OP and channel life drain and mana drain through walls.

9- Paladins will be pretty good in dps from what I hear but cannot confirm this and will just bubble and run away till our rage runs out too.

I beg the developers of WOW to please go and take some classes on how to BALANCE CLASSES! Also please learn how to code a spell from being stopped when line of sighted! You know, those nice channel spells that locks, mages and priests have!

/end rant.

Shamans need some type of CC or anti CC... now not when the expansion comes out in like 10 years.

Edit: Oh ya, and your nerfing elemental shaman too. GG Blizzard.. elemental focus IS a nerf not a buff... 20% more LO proc is a nerf too and not a buff. Bye, bye crit build shaman cause of that nerf. At this point resto shaman will be the only viable spec to go for pvp. BORING!

Theorycrafting at its finest! Wait until the patch hits the public test realms, then provide your feedback. Also, just as an FYI -- using words like "suck" when providing feedback doesn't help. I'd also recommend being more comprehensive, objective and thinking from a broader perspective.