#0 - Feb. 9, 2010, 4:24 p.m.
We are aware of the login and latency issues that players are currently experiencing. We are actively investigating these issues to resolve them as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
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Update, 4:15 PM PST:
We have resolved the final issues that occurred during maintenance and all realms are now playable. Players are likely to experience some latency as people continue to login. Thank you for your patience.
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Update, 3:15 PM PST:
We are continuing to resolve the issues that have been affecting realms and making more realms playable as we are able to. The realms that are still down for maintenance are actively being worked on. We will provide another update on these realms at approximately 4:00pm PST.
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Update, 2:05 PM PST:
Some new issues have been encountered that are affecting all realms and we are currently investigating them. Another update will be provided at approximately 3:00pm PST
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Update, 1:15 PM PST:
We are in the process of resolving the issues that were causing the extended maintenance. We are currently making realms available for play as these issues are resolved and expect all realms to be playable by approximately 2:00pm PST. Thank you for your patience.
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Update, 12:20 PM PST:
We encountered some additional issues continue to work on the maintenance. We will provide another update at approximately 1:00pm PST.
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Update, 11:00 AM PST
We encountered some issues during the scheduled maintenance and are extending the maintenance on all realms until approximately 11:59am PST. We will provide further updates as needed at this time as well. Thank you for your patience.
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Good morning, everyone! Apologies for the delay, but welcome to this week's edition of Scheduled Realm Maintenance. :)
From the Service Status Forum:
Q u o t e:
We will be performing our scheduled weekly maintenance for all US and Oceanic Realms beginning at 05:00 AM PST and 11:00 AM PST. No realms will be available for play between approximately the hours of 05:00 AM PST and 11:00 AM PST.
Thank you for your patience.
As a reminder! While Tuesday maintenance may briefly interrupt your regularly-scheduled pro-gaming, it is an excellent time to focus on account security. Just think about what all you can accomplish while realms are offline. You can:
- Scan your computer system for malicious software
- Complete available updates for your operating system, web browser, and antivirus and anti-spyware programs
- Check out helpful browser AddOns like NoScript and Flashblock
- Even research the Battle.net Authenticator
Be sure to review the Tuesday Recommended Reading List (below) for more information!
- Computer Security Recommendations
Fake Emails From "Blizzard"
Battle.net Account Security Awareness
Why the Downtime Every Tuesday?