Blizzard design team is going to KILL WoW---

#0 - Jan. 26, 2010, 12:17 a.m.
Blizzard Post
--- if they continue with the direction they are going. Making block nothing more than glorified rng armor, gutting and crippling AoE tanking (not just paladins, although that is what concerns me personally the most), just sweeping away key, central stats that have existed as long as the game itself just to appease idiots too stupid to figure out how good ArPen is or isn't, or how to attain uncrittability.

Eliminating AoE tanking, closely interwoven with absolutely ruining block for non-raid bosses by making it another slathering of rng armor, will reduce every pull to a CC-infested crawl. Instances will take hours once again. No one wants to see a boss every 45 minutes because they have to single-target kill mobs and coordinate CC; LoS pulling single packs of mobs because accidentally pulling another group or a pat will mean a wipe will be a requirement once again.

How many people will spend 2 hours in a 3-boss heroic? Even 1 hour? How many new players who can't master the intricacies of "kill skull first" will be able to effectively CC and not break other's CC's?

And now the game is being reduced to--- what? 2 stats? "Makes good stuff happen" and "Stops bad stuff (sometimes)"?

I am NOT looking forward to Cata if this is where the design team is (mis)leading us. This plan, still in its infancy, sounds horrid and abominable.
#16 - Jan. 26, 2010, 1:02 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Legit topic. Terrible thread title. I suspect if you tried again, you'd still get interested players posting.