Banned from forum?

#0 - Jan. 9, 2010, 6:22 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
"Ban Type Temporary
Expires 01/06/2010 08:52:02 AM PST
Ban Reason Spamming and trolling

Suspended from the World of Warcraft forums for a 1 week period for trolling the forums. This is a final warning. Further violations of Forum Guidelines could result in a loss of posting privileges.

* 1. Re: Adult Server? 12/30/2009 02:52:13 AM PST

I agree with the [Adult Server] idea.. not because I don't like kids.. but because I want to curse and swear, and be a complete racist @ hole in trade without getting banned for a week.

[ Post edited by Devl ]

* 3. Re: Adult Server? 12/30/2009 03:06:00 AM PST

Stupid racist morons exist all over the place.. especially online, because we can't get our butts kicked for saying offensive things.

This is just a fact of life..

I'm not 12, I'm actually 21.. and I really enjoy being a stupid racist moron every once in awhile.. I'm sure you do to..
If you're thinking to yourself "No I don't, that's BS" you've never really tried it..

It's a great stress relief after an especially frustrating BG.

On a side note.. I don't live with my parents and I go to bed whenever I want.. I don't play WoW before work, and I don't start something I know I don't have time to finish.. if I do have to leave a group, I do my best to find a replacement before leaving.

The subject says "Adult Server" not "Racist Morons" so, take your hatred for racists elsewhere.
[ v ] Click here if you think fat kids playing wii is funny.

[ Post edited by Devl ]"

I was neither trolling nor spamming.. I was voicing my opinion on the subject as nicely as I know how.
Simply agreeing with the poster's suggestion, and stating the reason why.. and a couple posts later, trying to steer the thread back on subject.
The edit about fat kids was because somebody made a funny post after mine, I just had to vote :)

What part about this is trolling or spamming?

Also I'd like to know who has the power to place a 1 week ban on me, and how I might get that lifted if it does happen again.
#25 - Jan. 10, 2010, 12:54 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
OP, if you want to know why you were banned, email as they are the ones with the answer you need.

The forums are not the place to discuss forum moderation or disciplinary action. If you wish to inquire about such things, an email to is indeed the correct avenue to take.