Woooooo! incoming prot warrior nerfs!

#0 - Jan. 8, 2010, 1:02 a.m.
Blizzard Post
sticked in the dd forums:

Q u o t e:

-- Protection warriors have too much utility and damage for PvP. (We don't want to hurt their tanking in PvE of course.)

EXCELLENT! Let's nerf the tanks that already do the least damage, huzzah!

I don't give a fig about pvp, I DO care that I do, on average, about 20 to 50% less damage than every other freaking tanking class.

Seriously, this is bullcrap, we're the most susceptible to spike damage, we have low EH, we do the least damage, and you want to further nerf us? W...T...F?
#112 - Jan. 8, 2010, 4:09 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
It would be nice to have an explanation for this because the devs are hard to follow. They said they wanted Protection to be a viable spec for solo and PvP, but this remark, like the incoming changes for 4.0, seems to indicate a desire to go back to when we were tuned for raids and nothing else, except withoug being the masters of tanks to compensate.

There are numbers in between 1 and 10. Players have a bad habit of viewing everything in terms of extremes. Yes we want Protection to be viable in PvP and most likely it still will be. Nerfing them because they are overpowered is not the same as them being useless.

Expecting the forum-visiting WoW community to ever come to a consensus on anything is unrealistic. That said, Protection warriors in PvP wasn't one of the arguments where there were a lot of very passionate souls on both sides. Many players suspected or were outright convinced that Prot was overpowered at worst or at least really frustrating to play against. On the other hand, we've posted several times that if the totality of their beef is just seeing Prot in PvP at all, then they're out of luck.

These arguments are somewhat similar to those rogues saying "But we're supposed to do high damage" and seeing nothing wrong with being 1000 to 2000 dps higher than others in their group. Yes you're supposed to be in PvP. You're not supposed to own PvP.

If you're one of those players with no interest in PvP and just don't want to see your tanking potential hurt, then I am slightly more sympathetic, but then again you should know what I'm going to say by now. WoW is a game with PvP and PvE components. Just because one of those isn't of interest to you personally doesn't mean we should neglect it. (And as I've said, we aren't interested in nerfing Prot warriors who are actually tanking.)