Account Hacked and Items Gone

#0 - Jan. 10, 2010, 9:51 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hello everyone,

This morning I couldnt login to my account and called blizzard to figure out that my account had been hacked.

When I finnaly could login I realized all my items were gone except for a robe and some saronite ore.

Was just wondering.... what should I do while I'm waiting for the GM to reply? If I earn some gold or somthing of that sort will it be reset when I get my items back?

#2 - Jan. 10, 2010, 11:03 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
My account was hacked a few days ago.

This is pretty much what I was told:

A) I was told to do what I can, if I want, and that items will be returned that I had at the time of the hacking.

B) They do not do a 'hard reset' of your items, so it's not like they will overwrite what you have now with what you had then, deleting things that you have legitimately gotten while waiting.

I have been trying to get back to a spot where I actually can do raids with my friends, it's tough, and I am specifically NOT using any of the items I wound up being left with (they wiped the badges I had on several 80s and bought a bunch of primordial saronite, and downgraded the rest of the badges so I have a ton of base epic gems currently. They DEed a ton (my main is an enchanter) so I'm looking at a hundred abyss crystals I didn't have before). They were stopped before they could get things off, though (I guess having a ton of stuff sometimes is a good thing?????) so I am left with all these mats. Like I said, I'm not converting, touching, etc. anything that I did not have before so that there can't be any question about whether I will get the gear and badges back because I already used them to get replacement gear....

***Quoted for Turtle***

The above post provides you with sound advice, Gerpz. Just so as long as the character you plan on playing was not transferred to a different realm, and no other paid service were involved while compromised, then you are welcome to continue as you best see fit. – be that creating an alt to level for a while, or playing a character you already have.