Am I alone to hate how easy this is?

#0 - Dec. 21, 2009, 5:21 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Does anyone else remember when you had to be remotely talented at your class to get into, let alone successfully complete, raids? How about when you were one of 3 guilds on the server who killed the final boss of the current expansion/patch and your gear was actually better than peoples who were completely awful. This guild, at the beginning of wotlk, had trouble killing Kel'thuzad on a regular basis because their skill level was too low. Now, that exact same core of people is 3 bosses deep into ICC, completed Ulduar minus the hardmodes that are actually difficult, and continues to raid. Even since this expansion its gotten worse. This group of people in vanilla wow would be a guild wiping on Lucifron month after month... and they were barely more successful than the infamous "Kara on farm, lfm ssc/gruuls" guilds of BC.

Ive grown tired of gearscore checking people for raids only to have them come in and do 1500 dps, or 1k hps, miss their adds on a tank assignment or just completely not know anything about an encounter. I mean, I get it, sell more subscriptions, blah blah blah. But why swing the curve so low if its only going to be frustrating and/or irritating for anyone who has experience in the game, or more accurately, maintains their 26 chromosome level. T9 is like a freaking door prize now. I nearly got this alt 3-piece yesterday from a streak of heroics. How is that better than every other mmo?

I dream of the game being challenging again.
Anyone else yearn for the bar to go back up?
#64 - Dec. 21, 2009, 7:33 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Does anyone else remember when you had to be remotely talented at your class to get into, let alone successfully complete, raids? How about when you were one of 3 guilds on the server who killed the final boss of the current expansion/patch and your gear was actually better than peoples who were completely awful. This guild, at the beginning of wotlk, had trouble killing Kel'thuzad on a regular basis because their skill level was too low. Now, that exact same core of people is 3 bosses deep into ICC, completed Ulduar minus the hardmodes that are actually difficult, and continues to raid. Even since this expansion its gotten worse. This group of people in vanilla wow would be a guild wiping on Lucifron month after month... and they were barely more successful than the infamous "Kara on farm, lfm ssc/gruuls" guilds of BC.

Ive grown tired of gearscore checking people for raids only to have them come in and do 1500 dps, or 1k hps, miss their adds on a tank assignment or just completely not know anything about an encounter. I mean, I get it, sell more subscriptions, blah blah blah. But why swing the curve so low if its only going to be frustrating and/or irritating for anyone who has experience in the game, or more accurately, maintains their 26 chromosome level. T9 is like a freaking door prize now. I nearly got this alt 3-piece yesterday from a streak of heroics. How is that better than every other mmo?

I dream of the game being challenging again.
Anyone else yearn for the bar to go back up?

We see posts like this from time to time but they tend to not include any compelling argument. Nostalgia is powerful. In a game that has been out this long there can be a lot of great memories of the past that you would relish to relive again. We understand this, but, the game continues to move forward and changes are made to benefit the entire playerbase.

As opposed to the old systems of years ago, the current raiding content is more accessible to more people. Yes, this is a good thing. The way emblems reward items also allow more players to be on the same or similar levels of gear and help minimize/avoid the "I'm in max gear and smash all faces" scenarios that force players to start from the very beginning raid content no matter how progressed the content patches are.

For players who are only satisfied by beating the highest level content and the most challenging encounters, the hard modes are available. Encounters like Yogg-0 and Anub'arak 25 are no joke. Then, the Lich King awaits (behind his walls).
#132 - Dec. 21, 2009, 8:48 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

You know, if I had hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people beating down the gates to my fortress AND 3 months of time before they reached me, I think I'd pack up my crap and get the hell out of dodge. Why is Lichy so stubborn on leaving? He certainly isn't there for the weather...

Your overconfidence is your weakness...