Loot Missing - Gunship Battle Bug (10man)

#0 - Dec. 13, 2009, 12:41 p.m.
Blizzard Post
So my guild and i where doing the Gunship Battle encounter in Icecrown Citadel this evening and we defeated the enemy ship, the chest spawned properly but the problem is that our Masterlooter (Raid Leader) Died on the enemy ship. Normally this would not be an issue because he can use the teleporter to get to the next boss.

The issue is that the ship bugged and didn't continue to Deathbringer Saurfang's Platform, it just came to a halt in mid air. So our master-looter could not get back onto the ship as you can not summon on it either. Our whole raid had to jump to their death's to make it to a portal to teleport to Deathbringer Saurfang.

Anyway the loot that needs to be handed out is as follows; Abomination's Bloody Ring needs to go to Imacasual (Druid)

The second item is; Muradin's Spyglass which needs to go to me (Eatfresh)

The above information can be proved by viewing our Raid Leaders GM Ticket, his name is; Akeiya (Rogue). You guys should be able to view this ticket and any logs with your "powers".

I cant express my dissatisfaction in having to wait for loot we/I had earned already, but i guess i just have to hope you guys are speedy with this.


#1 - Dec. 13, 2009, 2:37 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We will be sure to address your raid leader's petition as quickly as possible, Eatfresh, but I'm afraid that we -- the Representatives of the Customer Service Forum -- are unable to award loot in this fashion. Our Game Masters will gladly investigate and provide restoration for loot not received as soon as possible.

I sincerely apologies for your inconvenience, and thank you and your guild mates for your patience.
#3 - Dec. 13, 2009, 4:03 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Thanks a tone, i guess ill just eagerly wait it out.

Hows it work anyway? Will i be mailed the item or just login to find it sitting in my bags? or?

Once provided the names and realms, these items will be mailed to their intended recipients. :)