#0 - Dec. 18, 2009, 5:41 p.m.
We're presently investigating issues surrounding Character Transfer and Faction Change delays. We believe some of these delays are simply due to the target character logging in during the Character Transfer or Faction Change process, but not all. To this end, we'd greatly appreciate it if those experiencing a delay with either service could provide the following information:
- Type of service (Character Transfer, Faction Change, or both):
Date and time service was initiated:
Name and realm of the character affected:
In the meantime, if you intend to purchase Character Transfer or Faction Change, please do not log into the target character once the process has been initiated; wait until the transaction completes. Similarly, for back-to-back Character Transfers and Faction Changes, ensure that you fully complete the first transaction and log into the target character before initiating the second transaction. This will help prevent possible complications.
Thank you!