Phasing issue outside of ICC

#0 - Dec. 14, 2009, 5:22 a.m.
Blizzard Post
When I am in a raid group, I can't see the other members of my raid when I'm standing in the area by the raid portal. I'm not really sure what is going!
#3 - Dec. 14, 2009, 5:45 a.m.
Blizzard Post
There is an issue that is causing some players to be phased. For them there may be no tents or NPC's or even a meeting stone and every once in a while a Pustulent Horror seems to die to nothing.

Our Quality Assurance Team is investigating this matter and hope to track down the cause and get it resolved as quickly as possible.

In the meantime we have found that by having the daily Argent Tournament quest : Battle Before The Citadel in your quest log it may allow you to see what the rest of your group does.