I'm upset due to Raid ID issue.

#0 - Dec. 3, 2009, 4:21 a.m.
Blizzard Post
What the hell is going on.. I keep getting locked out of instances I have not even run....

Last week 10 man VOA

Now 10 man onyxia..

I enter, a message comes up asking me to accept being saved to the instance, I hit accept.. All of a sudden a whole lot of us are saved to a instance that the boss has been killed in..

I try to page a gm and I keep on getting the damn message I submitted last week about VOA and it keeps deleting my message I am trying to send about Onyxia... WHY DO I KEEP GETTING SCREWED OUT OF INSTANCES>... I just got booted from the group with about 6 other people because we are all now saved to an instance that HAS NO BOSS IN IT!!!!! WHy am I wasting my time again on something that has screwed me over 2 weeks in a row now???? damnit...
#24 - Dec. 3, 2009, 4:41 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I am sorry for the confusion, Clarisa, but as the others pointed out it does warn you when you enter. Simply put, don't hit accept.

In a new instance you will not become locked to it until a boss is killed. So if you are receiving a warning that you are about to be locked into the instance that means at least one boss has been killed. If you are not joining a raid already in progress there is no reason you should have received that warning.

In the upcoming patch we hope to introduce further clarification when you enter an instance to inform you how many bosses have been killed thus far but at the moment it simply states that you will be locked into that specific instance if you do not leave within 60 seconds.

#27 - Dec. 3, 2009, 4:42 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
And now I have some GM editing my subject instead of addressing my problem....

sometimes I wonder why I pay for this....

I usually wonder why people believe that the 2 seconds it takes me to edit an inappropriately titled thread is the same amount of time it takes to type out a post.

#45 - Dec. 3, 2009, 5:02 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I have to come on here and be mocked by your users and told it was my fault by you in order to figure out what I am doing wrong...

You didn't actually ask a question in your petition, Clarisa. Your petition stated that you have been locked into VoA10 yet you didn't run it, that is the only mention of an issue.

You also stated, in caps mind you, that you ran VH and didn't get the head and the body disappeared. You also edited the petition stated that your escalated petition has been in for 3 days and accused us of simply delaying while we waited for the weekly reset to happen.

If you would have asked a question in your petition, Clarisa, the Game Master would have been happy to explain about the Raid Lock warning. They did state the following in your petition response, in addition to informing you that they were able to mail you appropriate reward.
Q u o t e:

Fortunately, Vault of Archavon should no longer be saved. Should you encounter a situation in the future that causes you to be saved to an instance, please provide as many details as possible about the situation.

Q u o t e:

Thanks for nothing.....

I'm sorry that you felt our assistance was nothing, Clarisa.
#50 - Dec. 3, 2009, 5:09 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
It is my fault I used the "talk to GM feature" and it took 4 days for them to get back to me.

Actually you used the "Report an Issue" feature, Clarisa, which indicates that you don't want to be contacted.

Also, your petitions, which included a restoration was submitted 11/29 16:11 GMT and completed 12/01 16:34 GMT almost exactly two days.
Q u o t e:

it is my fault the GM did not clue me in at all about why I might be screwed out of 10 man VOA..

I already covered the fact that you didn't actually ask about that situation so I won't cover it again.
Q u o t e:

I am upset... Very upset.. I am so upset I am on these damn forums wasting my time talking to a bunch of people who clearly would rather defend the BS system then try and help the poor users who just got burned by it...

I'm sorry you are upset, Clarisa, perhaps if you took but a brief moment to take a few deep breaths and see the situation how it is instead of how you originally perceived you may gain some understanding.
Q u o t e:

If anything, I hope they implement something that prevents this from happening to other people in the future.. Hopefully there in game GM's get clue and help people figure out what the problem is without having to wait 4 days and losing out on another chance.

You quoted my original post but you didn't seem to actually read it. I did mention that we hope to implement further clarification into the system so you can see how many bosses have been killed.
#64 - Dec. 3, 2009, 5:27 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
You just agnowledged that I was not assisted at all with my first problem.. THe first problem is the reason why I am here on the forums.. The first problem happened to me again.

I'm sorry but no I didn't.

You stated that you were locked into VoA10 but you didn't say anything further. There was no actual question asked in your petition.

Q u o t e:
2 Seperate problems in 1 message posted over a few days.. It is not my fault your system for in game helps sucks.. I Have no way of seperating different issues with the system that is provided..

The entire petition from start to finish lasts a few minutes over 2 days. Not a few days. Though we encourage that if you have another issue that you require assistance with while you have a petition open that you submit it from an alternate character you can edit that information into your current ticket. It is important to be clear when submitting a petition though, both in the original request as well as any subsequent edits.

I'm sorry, Clarisa, but I wouldn't have understood your issue based off your your original statement regarding VoA10. If you would have said "How was I locked into a complete instance?" the Game Master likely would have understood that you were asking a question, even though you indicated that you did not want to be contacted.

How you express yourself determines the types of responses you receive. It was never our intention to ignore your issue. If your issue was clear the Game Master would have addressed your question as well as addressed the VH issue you had.
Q u o t e:

My accusation proved true... I did not get helped till after the reset..

Perhaps, but that is because such restoration issues take time to resolve.

I am sorry that you had such a negative experience, Clarisa. You are always welcome to provide feedback regarding the Game Master who addressed your petition by writing to wowgmfeedback-us@blizzard.com.

I would also like to mention that there have been several improvements introduced to the petitioning system. You can review them in the following support article.

#74 - Dec. 3, 2009, 5:43 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I'd have to agree with you, Lukin, communicating strictly in text can be difficult, especially if frustration or anger over a situation is colouring what you are trying to say.

Clarisa, I'm simply trying to illustrate what happened and why your petition was addressed in the way it was.

I am sorry that you were locked into a raid ID for a second week without being able to actually do the instance. You may be contacted in-game regarding this matter.

If you have any other questions please let me know.
#79 - Dec. 3, 2009, 7:15 a.m.
Blizzard Post
To avoid additional negative posts bringing this back up I'm going to lock it. Thank you everyone.