Max socketed gems

#0 - Dec. 3, 2009, 12:31 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I am bored with boomkin, ( and miffed at the no dismount from typhoon in 3.3 but thats a diff subject)

So I wanted to go feral again. I pulled my old gear our to see where I left off stat wise. All of my gear works fine except for two item slots. My shoulder and my chest peices.

For my boom/resto I have Malfurion's Spaulders of Conquest.
My Bank feral peice is Shoulderpads of the Infamous Knave

For my Boom/resto chest peice i haveConqueror's Nightsong Vestments
My Bank feral peice is Hateful Gladiator's Dragonhide Robes

The Problem im having is if I have my Knave pads on, I can't equip my Dragon robes. Trying to do so Gives me the error " You have the maximum number of those gems Socketed into Equipped items"

My current resto shoulders and chest peice work fine togeather, but same problem happens if I equip say my Malfur shoulders and try my dragon robe.

edit: Why was this moved here!? I was told by the bloody GM's mail to seek tech support.. Whatever lets just get this fixed. I can't pvp or pve without a chest peice ( valuable stats! )
#13 - Dec. 3, 2009, 1:17 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Shoulders) Shoulderpads of the Infamous Knave - 14 attack power gem - No chants
Chest) Hateful Gladiator's Dragonhide Robes - 14 attack power gem and 20 resil gem - No enchants

Is the 14 attack power gem in those items the Might Blood Garnet, Ashclaw? If so those gems are Unique-Equipped.