#1 - Nov. 10, 2018, 1:13 a.m.
We’re adjusting the following talents:
- Boulderfist damage bonus increased to 35%.
- Lightning Shield will no longer generate any bonus Maelstrom when the Lightning Shield overcharges.
- Landslide changed to a 40% proc chance.
- Forceful Winds reduced from 100% per stack to 80% per stack.
- Totem Mastery: the Storm Totem benefit increased from 5% to 10%.
- Hailstorm’s damage increased by 50%.
- Overcharge now causes a 9 second cooldown to Lightning Bolt, down from 12 seconds.
- Fury of Air damage increased by 40%.
- Crashing Storm damage increased by 40%.
Lightning Shield and Forceful Winds are both popular talents right now, and we don’t want to reduce Enhancement’s overall damage with changes to those two talents, so additionally:
- The damage done by all Enhancement abilities increased by 5%.
The changes above should help make the different choices on many talent rows much more competitive with each other.
In addition to these changes above, we’re adjusting how many tooltips are generated. This may cause some websites to show that the damage or healing of almost every single Enhancement ability has changed. Do not panic; we are not lowering all of your damage and healing! This will be a behind-the-scenes data adjustment only.
Thank you for testing with us on the PTR!