Hi Yth!

#1 - Oct. 1, 2018, 8:52 p.m.
Blizzard Post
How ya doing today? Pancakes for breakfast or naw? Butter and/or maple syrup?

I miss the "Ask Ythisens a Question" thread. It was fun. I want another! The GD needs something uplifting in these dark times.
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#2 - Oct. 1, 2018, 8:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post
10/01/2018 01:52 PMPosted by Odyn
How ya doing today? Pancakes for breakfast or naw? Butter and/or maple syrup?

Hey! I had French Toast this morning! While I got caught up on everything over the weekend :)

10/01/2018 01:52 PMPosted by Odyn
I miss the "Ask Ythisens a Question" thread. It was fun. I want another! The GD needs something uplifting in these dark times.

Sure lets do another one! That was really fun last time.
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#33 - Oct. 1, 2018, 9:51 p.m.
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10/01/2018 02:03 PMPosted by Melaroi
What's the coolest drop you've received recently?

Mythic Taloc dropped his mace for me this past week. FEELSGOODMAN

10/01/2018 02:04 PMPosted by Raspir
Hey! I had French Toast this morning! While I got caught up on everything over the weekend :)

With or without bacon? Breakfast isn't complete without bacon

Actually no bacon today. I know I committed a breakfast sin but I wasn't feeling it today.

10/01/2018 02:04 PMPosted by Nighdarke
So Yth, rock music or classical when you play?

Currently I'm addicted to Parkway Drive again. If that gives you any idea of the type of music I like. I just saw them at the Hollywood Palladium and they are better than ever.

10/01/2018 02:04 PMPosted by Owo
Do you prefer sunny side up or easy over eggs? This is a very important question.

I prefer scrambled, but I do love a fried egg on a burger.

10/01/2018 02:05 PMPosted by Felsavior
Ythisens, I'm about to unlock maghar orcs. Name suggestion? I'm rolling shaman.
I'm terrible with naming characters. I'm that person that uses one name for all characters but just changes one letter. So I'm terrible advice here.

10/01/2018 02:09 PMPosted by Lemires
If you're asked why you close LGBT threads instead of banning the bigots who derail them, as you do in many other threads that remain open, will you actually answer?

If so, I say go for it.

I don't want to discuss moderation but I locked it because it just devolved into an nonconstructive thread. I'd love for people to discuss the under-representation of LGBTQ characters constructively in gaming as a whole but unfortunately the internet is not kind to those topics :(. Also there is a reason why some of the folks that chose to insult the topic and sexual orientation of others haven't been seen on the forums since :)

10/01/2018 02:09 PMPosted by Valdrane
You are hereby BANNED for life from the Fraternal Order of Pancakes!!

Please don't take my FOP card. I worked hard to obtain it. It was just this once :(

10/01/2018 02:14 PMPosted by Ughash
Yth what’s your thoughts on toon town rewritten?

It’s clearly the wow killer, you can build up multiple builds but you can’t get all the gags on one toon, hence giving a purpose to alts.

In fact theirs SOO MUCH CONTENT it takes about 50 days of /played to git Gud to even finish the game and the devs are actively adding more content it’s insane this is clearly the wow killer.

I don’t think wow can hold a candle to this, masterpiece of a game.

another game that’s quickly killing wow is club penguin rewritten I mean YOU CAN WADDLE AROUND AND MAKE NEW FRIENDS WITH NO FILTER!!! That’s paradise right there, idk why wow hasn’t done this either.

Finally I gotta say the absolute 100% mmo killer of all killers, the best RPG MMO EVER dark souls 3!!.

What’s your thought on all these mmo killers yth?

WADDLING?! sign me up. On the real tho I have played some of these "wow killers" and some had real potential and I was sad to see they didn't take off. I think competition as a whole makes every industry better, so I love seeing and trying out competing MMOs. Unfortunately the label of "wow killer" gets stuck to everyone that makes an MMO regardless if you're going for the same style or audience. It's not a secret though that I'm a huge MMO addict and you're likely to see me playing different ones depending on what is currently out with new content. At one point I raided in WoW, raided in XIV, and was in a war in EVE all at the same time while I tried to balance the time for them as much as possible.

I really love MMOs okay.

10/01/2018 02:15 PMPosted by Axeperson
Pass along my best to lore. I don't agree with his tone in the azerite post but the poor guy has been getting hammered recently.

I will hug him but he will probably be like "What is this... why are you doing this?".

10/01/2018 02:16 PMPosted by Nautkicker
Thoughts on Meshuggah?

Their lighting guy is INSANE. He is the MVP of that band.
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#39 - Oct. 1, 2018, 9:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey guys! Gonna lock this one and redirect y'all over here as this thread already existed and we don't need to keep bumping two of them up:

You can link over followup questions if you want in that thread. <3