#1 - Aug. 3, 2018, 9:02 a.m.
08/03/2018 10:12 AMPosted by Nox08/03/2018 02:02 AMPosted by DorondirDid you all write the script after Zappyboi became a beloved meme? Or was this just a hilariously awesome coincidence?
I think they've said they do things like a year or two in advance for the expansions, so I think it's just a glorious coincidence.
Who knows, though. Their cinematics department could be getting so good at this, they don't need a ton of time anymore to put these together allowing them to capitalize on audience reaction. /shrug
Either way, this cinematic was amazing. I hope this puts a lot of horde players' minds at ease after the Sylvanas video. Blizzard has more in store for us.