#5 - Jan. 22, 2018, 8:18 p.m.
Assuming i follow mechanics right, how much dps should i pull on top of that?
There's a lot of different factors here which can be gear, skill, fight, strategy, etc. Even the rest of your raid can impact your dps. There isn't really a right answer to this and you'll get a multitude of answers.
How much time will the average mythic raiding guild expect me to raid every week? (I'm currently raiding fri-sat nights)
Depends on the guild.
How much homework am i expected to do outside of game?(I currently study best stats, watch what mythic raiders do, and watch fatboss videos b4 trying bosses)
Then you're doing good! Generally if you're going into Mythic its pretty expected for you to be as prepared as possible as its the hardest tier of raid content you can do.
Is it too late for me to try mythic raiding this expac?
Never. I would argue that the easiest time to get your feet wet in Mythic raiding is the later parts of an expansion.
What things should non-mythic raiders know before they start mythic raiding?
It's not as intimidating as you think it actually is. The fight is never against the boss, its against your ability to communicate and be a team member.
You're going to die a lot and that's okay, every death should be a lesson to the raid of what not to do next time. Generally its pretty expected for you to die or mess up a mechanic the first few times on a boss. Some people understand it by reading up on the abilities, watching guides/videos of attempts, and the others need to actually see in game.
Mythic raiding is one of those trial by fire kinds of things. You won't know if you like or are any good at it unless you try it out and see. If you like raiding and are feeling like Heroic is no longer a challenge then you should definitely try out Mythic :)