#1 - June 23, 2017, 9:08 p.m.
Starting today we’ll be performing a connected realm test on the PTR and we’re looking for as many players as possible to help. A new temporary realm named ‘Temporus’ will be coming online from 6/23 until 6/26. Character copy is enabled on this realm, we would like you to copy your Live characters over to this realm via the ‘Character Copy’ button, log in, and take stock of your character’s gear and progress, including:
• Completed quests
• In-Progress quests and current progression
• Current gear loadout
• Achievements (both earned and in-progress)
• Pets and mounts
Then, on Monday 6/26 the realm will come down and we’ll be connecting Temporus to the other PTR realms. Once complete, we’ll need those participating to log back in and check our work! Please comment below with your findings. We’re especially interested in finding out if anything is missing, or if there are any gameplay progression issues and other things of that nature.
Thanks in advance for your participation! Please keep an eye on this thread for any updates.