#1 - May 9, 2017, 10:34 p.m.
We’re enabling the Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl for some additional testing. While it’s not exactly new to 7.2.5, we’d still appreciate any testing we can get, as we want to be sure we’ve ironed out all the bugs. There should be an NPC in Dalaran who can direct you to the right place.
We’ll also be turning on Black Temple Timewalking again. As you’ve probably surmised, last week’s test had to be cancelled at the last minute, so this time we’re just going to open it up for testing on Friday and leave it open all weekend. We’ve done some difficulty tuning since the last time it was available, so please give it a look and let us know how it goes!
The Chromie scenario will not be available for testing this week; as we’ve been playing through it ourselves, we’ve been finding opportunities to add some additional polish and shine in a few areas, and want to have all of that in place before opening it up for feedback. We really like the direction it’s headed, though, and hope you will too once we’ve got it ready for PTR in the next week or so.
There’s another round of class changes in this build, including some fairly significant changes to Vengeance Demon Hunter meant to help clean up the rotation a little bit (particularly in regards to Soul Fragments). Not all of these changes will be immediately apparent from reading tooltips, so we’d love to hear your thoughts after spending some time with them in-game.
You’ll also see a few changes to set bonuses in this build. We’re continuing to make tuning adjustments to Tier 20 set bonuses, and a few of those will be in this build. You may also see a number of changes to Tier 19 (Nighthold) set bonuses. This is to ensure that the Tier 20 pieces are a reasonable upgrade over Tier 19, without having to make the Tier 20 bonuses blatantly overpowered. Please keep in mind when testing these changes that we’re still working on overall class balance for 7.2.5.
Thanks, and happy testing!