FEEDBACK: Transmog Sets

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#1 - Feb. 14, 2017, 9:44 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Well met! The upcoming PTR build that will be deployed this week will contain an almost-data-complete version of the Transmog Sets feature. We're still ironing out a good number of bugs (mostly relating to which items are displayed in any particular set), but by and large we feel like it's feature complete for 7.2. We're not going to add any more sets right now but we can always add more in the future.

There is some time to do small modifications based on feedback, so we'd like to hear what you think about it in this thread! Log on to the PTR and visit the Sets tab in the upper left of the Appearances tab (Shift+P). You will see many sets for your class that you can collect! All of this data is based on what is in your transmog library, and the usual rules about what you can and can't collect apply here too. We also added some achievements and a title!

Any bugs (especially those related to specific sets) should be reported in the bug report forum, but thoughts and feelings should be posted here. Post asking for specific appearances to be added, or discussing general transmog changes not related to sets, or not talking about this feature in general, will be deleted.

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#6 - Feb. 14, 2017, 10:50 p.m.
Blizzard Post
02/14/2017 02:25 PMPosted by Bidwell
Call me nervous, but the transition from the current transmog system to the one that includes the sets feature shouldn't affect what appearances we have collected, just how they are presented to us, right? I logged on to the PTR a few days ago, copied over this character, and realized that the entirety of the Absolution set was missing from my appearance collection except for the belt, which was sitting in void storage.

That's just a peculiarity with character copies to the PTR, and I shouldn't worry that a glitch in the 7.2 rollout will have me trudging through Hyjal to collect Absolution again, right?

Correct. When you copy a character to the PTR, account-level collections including pets, mounts, and transmog library, are not updated. No changes will be made to your library when this rolls out on live servers.
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#10 - Feb. 15, 2017, 12:35 a.m.
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02/14/2017 03:32 PMPosted by Ikhj
Any updates on missing set pieces from previous raids (e.g. Firelands plate waists, ICC Death Knight boots/waists, etc?)

We are adding them for PVP sets, but only because 1) the total number missing is much smaller than PVE, 2) the item names are consistent and predictable, and 3) the rest of the items are all on vendors already, and we're using the new items to fill out ensembles.

We are not adding any items for PVE sets at this time. The scope of items that we need to add is far too large for us to take on in the time we have allotted to finish 7.2 -- it is much more than a full raid tier's worth of items on its own. This has been a great chance to thoroughly audit what is missing from the game, and we'll be adding these items in small chunks in future content releases to complete various sets.
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#22 - Feb. 15, 2017, 5:33 p.m.
Blizzard Post
If you're wishlisting items to be added, talking about general transmog features, or not talking about sets in this thread, I'm going to delete your post. Please keep comments on topic to the Sets only. Thank you.
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#23 - Feb. 15, 2017, 5:45 p.m.
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02/14/2017 04:55 PMPosted by Ikhj
These specific items are needed to complete the set, were datamined, but never made it to live. It would be nice for these specific off pieces to be put into the game so we can complete our looks rather than having to use another awkward looking offpiece that doesn't match the set.

Same answer as what you quoted. We do not have a set plan of which order to tackle all the missing pieces for all of the sets. It really is quite a lot of items.
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#64 - Feb. 21, 2017, 5:05 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Further misbehavior in this thread will not result in action against anybody's account, it will simply result in me not posting on the forums. While I would like to have as open of a discussion about things as possible with the community and keep you in the loop where applicable when we fix bugs that might not make the patch notes, it is hard for me to take that idea seriously when any specific topic that I try to discuss is constantly derailed. There are many things to talk about in the game at any given time. This is a thread for transmog sets.

If you guys genuinely want communication with developers, spamming up a completely unrelated thread with your personal crusade issue is the wrong way to go about it.