Honor BUG is destroying this game in China

#1 - Dec. 22, 2016, 8:35 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Azsuna, Challiane's Terrace
quest:Operation Murloc Freedom

If you become a murloc and someone kill you. You will come back to life immediatly.
the player killed you get honor points.

I am not a righteous player. I don't use this bug just because i don't want to lose my account.
if you call this not a bug. Just say it officially.
I will use it too.and I will despise you BLZ as a coward.

but if you admit it as a bug. You should punish those who used it.

I'm a player from China.I have report this bug to the chinese blz team several times.
But they just do nothing.
I suspect the China bLz team is sharing the dirty money.The pronblem is so obvious and a lot of players report a thousand times.They just ignore.
So I come here to report.(this spend me 9.9 USD,cause report bug need a character)
my English is poor. I hope you can understand.
#47 - Dec. 22, 2016, 10:42 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey all,

We’re currently working on a hotfix for this bug, which should be applied today. Keep in mind that players found intentionally exploiting bugs that grant you unintended rewards or advantages may be subject to account actions. More details can be found in our Code of Conduct page.

For players who believe they’ve found a bug, feel free to report these to us in the Bug Report Forums or by using the in-game interface. If you feel you’ve identified an exploit or cheat, you can also reach out to our Hacks team at Hacks@blizzard.com.
