My PoV

#1 - June 23, 2016, 2:19 a.m.
Blizzard Post
UH DKs, dmg seems a bit high but i've seen worst, enh sham forked lightning hits way too hard sometimes, i've got a screenshot of the dmg parsing of one that did over 3.3M dmg non crit, 5M crit. He did a total of 21 stormstrikes and 27 forked lightnings, so not only it hits twice as hard+ than a fully cranked arms warrior Mortal Strike specced for it but much more often without require too much setup. Arms warrior feels weird, i mean i really feel i need a healer to do great but there are pretty much none healer good enuf to sustain the dmg even in D stance, so in bgs i get as much KBs than deaths if teamfights are fair. Die by the sword... 3 minutes CD is too much, its not that good at first and it has the cd of an uber skill.
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Game Designer
#2 - June 23, 2016, 2:52 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Was the screenshot from an Arathi Basin match by chance? There are a few rats and chickens in that battleground that follow our 'low level damage scaling' rules, similar to what happens when you hit a level 1 boar in Durotar for a massive amount of damage. I've fixed these critters to no longer inherit that scaling, so these damage meter addons should reflect the damage more correctly in those situations.
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#13 - June 23, 2016, 9:49 p.m.
Blizzard Post
06/22/2016 07:52 PMPosted by Arempy
Was the screenshot from an Arathi Basin match by chance? There are a few rats and chickens in that battleground that follow our 'low level damage scaling' rules, similar to what happens when you hit a level 1 boar in Durotar for a massive amount of damage. I've fixed these critters to no longer inherit that scaling, so these damage meter addons should reflect the damage more correctly in those situations.

Who are you? Your name isn't even capitalized. That's crazy.

Have fun my lower cased friend. Thanks for taking up the PVP responsibility.

I finally figured out how to fix Arempy's name!!

It's been driving me crazy for a while. But it's fixed now.
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Game Designer
#14 - June 23, 2016, 10:34 p.m.
Blizzard Post
rip :(