(BUG) Cannot log in (BLZ51900012)

#1 - May 24, 2016, 6:55 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I havent been able to log into the beta in 3 day. It says connecting, then that I have been disconnected with error code in title. anyone know whats going on? Got some online chat support and cleared cache, ran as admin. no luck.
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#6 - May 25, 2016, 11:40 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Can you do me a favor and post the contents of your BattleNet.Log file? It should be in the Logs Folder of your Beta Install Directory.

Toss it in the code brackets like I have below to keep the thread from getting spammed too much.

5/25 16:31:56.517 [IBN_Login] Starting up | hasFrontInterface=false | hasBackInterface=false
5/25 16:32:00.149 [Lua] Screen invalid. Changing | changingFrom=nil | changingTo=login
5/25 16:32:00.155 [Lua] Switching to screen | screen=AccountLogin
5/25 16:32:02.451 [GlueLogin] Starting login | launcherPortal=test.actual.battle.net | loginPortal=test.actual.battle.net:1119
5/25 16:32:02.451 [GlueLogin] Resetting
5/25 16:32:02.451 [IBN_Login] Initializing
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#9 - May 26, 2016, 12:35 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Interesting, this is the error in question:

I'm curious to see if everybody else who is having this problem or if it's manifesting in different ways. BLZ51900012 indicates a problem with your account, so we'll need to investigate further.

If anybody else is running into this same error please post your log as I detailed above.
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#11 - May 26, 2016, 12:41 a.m.
Blizzard Post
05/25/2016 05:38 PMPosted by Alastyr
I'm getting stuck on the waiting for realm list dialog, eventually it times out and I get a No realms are currently available error.

That might be unrelated, we just re-started all Beta realms. Can you check again in a few minutes?
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Quality Assurance
#36 - May 27, 2016, 5:41 p.m.
Blizzard Post
For those of you experiencing the ERROR_NO_GAME_ACCOUNT (12), on a hunch can you try logging into your account on us.battle.net, changing your password, and then logging in again? It's a longshot, but that would cause your account to re-cache which sometimes fixes issues like this.