#3 - April 22, 2016, 12:30 a.m.
04/21/2016 03:59 PMPosted by
Thete Some response on the intention with the Mastery for AoE would be appreciated. We've been asking for this for a while - it doesn't matter when changes are actually made, but some insight into the thought process would be more productive. Hard to give feedback on something that's clearly not working as it will when Legion goes live but it would be possible if we knew what your red lines and design philosophies were. Having the judgment debuff be a buff on the player would solve the issue completely and doesn't go against any stated design philosophies, so there must be something not being said that's the issue.
It's intended that Mastery is a single-target DPS stat for Retribution Paladins, but that the Greater Judgment talent can extend that to AoE. It will be tuned to account for that. This is certainly not the first time that different stats have had wildly different values in different situations, and that's OK.