#20 - April 18, 2016, 8:24 p.m.
04/18/2016 01:14 PMPosted by
Gahhda Not entirely feedback, but there's no good place to ask this and it effects future feedback so:
Can we get a confirmed value on agony's soul shard proc rate for affliction? In previous expansions the information was available in spell data on the nightfall passive, but there doesn't seem to be any spell data for agony's proc rate anymore.
I did a couple thousand tick test awhile back and got an estimate around 13.5% but any modeling of the spec will be estimation without spell data or a confirmed value.
Similar to before, it's a ramping proc chance. The first tick, it's 2.5%. Assuming that fails to proc, next tick it'll be 5%, then 7.5%, etc. When it does proc, the next tick returns to 2.5%.
So in a general sense, its proc rate is:
TicksSinceLastSuccessfulProc * 2.5%That averages out to ~13.15%, but much smoother and reliable that a simple 13.15% proc chance.