Reincarnation Change

#0 - Oct. 13, 2009, 11:16 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Reincarnation: The cooldown on this spell has been lowered from 60 minutes down to 50 minutes (Improved Reincarnation will continue to lower the cooldown by 10/20 minutes).


I hope it's a joke. Lay on Hands and similar massively long cooldowns were reduced to 20 minutes at the beginning of Wrath. And now, in the same PTR patch update that is lowering Soul Stone cooldown from 30 minutes to 15 minutes, Reincarnation is going from 60 --> 50 minutes? Really? If it's fine that a healer in PvE content can have a Soul Stone for every other attempt, why is it not fine for Reincarnation to go down to 30 minutes baseline? You can change Improved Reincarnation (an important talent in all aspects of shamanism no doubt) to reduce the cooldown by 5/10 minutes if you cannot stomach 10 minute Reincarnates.

#17 - Oct. 14, 2009, 1:01 a.m.
Blizzard Post
We were concerned that a really short cooldown on an ability that rezzes you and only rezzes you would lead to bizarre behavior. Shamans could just commit suicide every fight knowing that they could come back. Standing in the fire too long? No problem. Too far away from where you want to be? Just die. Out of mana? Just die. Yes you might lose dps or healing time, but we still think it would happen and we think it would look weird.

Soulstone by comparison can easily be used on the "wrong" person (if they don't die) and Rebirth can't be used at all if the druid dies. In some ways, Reincarnation is the only cooldown that you are guaranteed to see every fight as soon as it becomes that dependable.
#147 - Oct. 14, 2009, 6:08 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Too much QQ in this thread.

I said I was going to spend less time trying to point out to players when their posts crossed the line from helpful to junk. Instead we're just going to lock threads that have become nothing but venting and bashing.