Anniversary Realms Battleground -- Updated Jan. 17

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Community Manager
#1 - Jan. 17, 2025, 2:25 a.m.
Blizzard Post

January 17 update is below.

The issue we encountered for the 30 minutes that Battlegrounds were open was thornier than it originally looked. Before we reopen BGs, we’re going to need to do some cleanup that can only be done with realm restarts. We’ll perform those restarts tomorrow, and the timing of them should now be posted in your Breaking News.

Regarding the SoD version of Chronoboons that were briefly available in Alterac Valley, please be advised that these will be rendered functionless on Anniversary realms. They can be ignored.

Chronoboons that are native to Anniversary realms will not be affected.

We apologize for the delay in getting Battlegrounds working properly for everyone, and we appreciate your patience and understanding.

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Community Manager
#287 - Jan. 18, 2025, 1:35 a.m.
Blizzard Post

Following up on hotfixes that are now live:

  • The Season of Discovery variant of the Chronoboon Displacer is no longer usable on non-SoD realms.
  • The Era Chronoboon on Classic Era/Anniversary realms now costs 1 gold and sells for 2.5 silver.
  • On Classic Era/Anniversary realms, the SoD variant of the Chronoboon can now be exchanged by Chromie for the Era version of the Chronoboon, one for one, with no additional gold cost.

Please note that you must have the SoD variant of the Chronoboon Displacer in your inventory and you must also have completed the quest “Counting Out Time” to be able to exchange the item at Chromie on a Classic Era/Anniversary realm.