#1 - Dec. 20, 2024, 9:39 p.m.
Blizzard Post

We’ve now opened a very early version of Naxxramas on the Season of Discovery PTR.

While this version of Naxxramas is still in development and is not fully complete, we want to give this a few rounds of PTR testing and get it into your hands as early as possible before the holidays. The only difficulties available in Naxx are the default, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Difficulties above 5 are not available on PTR. Tuning is largely placeholder. Confirming the difficulty via a ritual currently only requires one player. This will require more on release. Expect trash and bosses to have inconsistent health and damage values. These are not indicative of final numbers, coming later. Loot drops are not yet implemented.

We’ll close the raid for testing on Monday, December 23.