Absolute failure... nice job

#1 - Jan. 26, 2011, 2:44 a.m.
Blizzard Post

The current status of PVP, at least with respect to Disc and Holy priests is, by and large, a failure. The constant stunning, silencing and lack of mobile healing for these classes has basically made them useless... unless of course nobody targets them, which NEVER happens. Avenger Shield... move, hit, damage and silence? Nice. Druid stuns, rogue stuns, saps, blinds, interrupts, charge, charge, charge, concusive blow, paly stun (jesus this is stupid ridiculous... is your CEO a Paly? Is his first name Over, last name Powered? stupid...) ... com'on... we SUCK at DPS... and now any half-wit can take us down in 2 or 3 hits. Yes, I'm venting. Sure, I probably deserve to be told to tone it down. But PVP sucks @ss right now and everybody knows it. Who the F do you have designing this crap? Jesus it's awful. Stun, stun, stun, stun, stun, stun, stun, stun, stun, stun, stun, stun.... this game can only suck for so long before people quit. Disaster.
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#29 - Jan. 28, 2011, 12:12 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Wait until I tell Mr. Over Powered what you said about him. He will not be pleased with your calls for balance.

01/25/2011 6:44 PMPosted by Kilorbkild
Sure, I probably deserve to be told to tone it down.

Yes, yes.
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#63 - Jan. 28, 2011, 2:07 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I'm locking this down. The more I consider the masked profanity and unrelenting aggression in the original post, the more I weep for humanity.

I have more to say about PvP casters, so hopefully there will be a more appropriate thread to say it in.