Does report afk work?

#1 - Jan. 24, 2011, 5:07 p.m.
Blizzard Post
When I come across people afk in bgs I'll report them, and as indicated by the chat, other people are annoyed and report them as well. How come they never get kicked out?
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#6 - Jan. 24, 2011, 6:42 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Heya Brooce,
01/24/2011 9:07 AMPosted by Brooce
When I come across people afk in bgs I'll report them, and as indicated by the chat, other people are annoyed and report them as well. How come they never get kicked out?
If a player is not reported by multiple people enough to give them the idle buff they will not be removed right away, other times they use a smart bot that keeps them in combat and they can't receive this buff if in combat, so they stay in the game. These bots takes a lot longer to identify but reporting them eventually gets them reported to us, so we can investigate them.