The best part of the new 5-man dungeon....

#0 - Aug. 6, 2009, 2:19 p.m.
Blizzard Post in the second phase when the Confessor summons a random boss. The first night we did it we didn't recognize who was summoned it must have been from a dungeon no one runs much. But last night she summoned one of the most regonized dungeon bosses in the game.... Edwin Van Cleef. OMG! It's Van Cleef!

Holy !#$%$%!

We did it again and we got Gruul. Epic win Blizz!
#27 - Aug. 6, 2009, 4:43 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e: in the second phase when the Confessor summons a random boss. The first night we did it we didn't recognize who was summoned it must have been from a dungeon no one runs much. But last night she summoned one of the most regonized dungeon bosses in the game.... Edwin Van Cleef. OMG! It's Van Cleef!

Holy cow!

We did it again and we got Gruul. Epic win Blizz!

That is a very compelling and awesome game mechanic. Personally, I enjoy combating the Black Knight.