I Just Received Warlords Deathwheel

#1 - Aug. 2, 2024, 3:51 p.m.
Blizzard Post

As per title.

I just logged into my MoP character for the first time since 11.0, realised talents and UI were borked, logged my main to screenshot my UI so I can recreate it on the MoP toon and when I logged my main I was met with a big Warlords Deathwheel icon, it was added to my collection and I got the Feat of Strength:

imgur. com/a/8MvO12H

I dont know if this is a random glitch or if its been added back but yeah this just happened like 2 minutes ago.

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#54 - Aug. 2, 2024, 10:28 p.m.
Blizzard Post

We looked into this and yes,

The reason was something like a bug or crash that was invoked the instant that the mount was initially supposed to be awarded, and then a fix for that as a result of a recent update.

And there may be other achievements that a very small number of players have been missing, until now.