Mounts factions price break broke?

#0 - Aug. 4, 2009, 11:40 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Thought there was suppose to be a price break for Artisan Flight training? My Rogue is revered with Warsong Offensive, but I still see 5k to train.

#12 - Aug. 7, 2009, 1:19 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
From the Known Issues sticky thread....

Factions discounts now apply to Artisan Riding Skill (300) purchases. The factions associated with this discount are Honor Hold and Valiance Expedition for Alliance and Thrallmar and Warsong Offensive for Horde. In order to receive this discount, you must visit Honor Hold or Valiance Keep if you are Alliance and Thrallmar or Warsong Hold if you are Horde. Please note that riding skill trainers in Dalaran will not offer this discount.

Thank you, Aarschott. :)

In order to get the discount, folks, you have to actually visit the vendor that is aligned with that faction.

Hargen Bronzewing - for Honor Hold Reputation in Honor Hold.
Maigra Keenfeather - for Valiance Expedition Reputation in Valiance Keep.

Wind Rider Jahubo - for Thrallmar Reputation in Thrallmar.
Wind Rider Sabamba - for Warsong Offensive in Warsong Hold.
