Feedback: Non-Class-Set Item Rewards

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Community Manager
#1 - June 6, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post


Please use this thread for any feedback or bugs related to non-class set item rewards such as trinkets or special items with additional effects. Many of these items can be found on Trinketaur in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

A few questions you might ask yourself as you try them out include:

  • Is the tooltip’s description of the item’s effects reasonably clear?
  • Is the item’s role clear?
  • Does the item feel powerful and rewarding to use?
  • Are any mechanics particularly clunky or unfun?
  • Do the visual effects match your expectation of the fantasy? Do they distract from the rest of your gameplay?

Feel free to share anything else that comes to mind, and thanks in advance for your feedback!

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WoW Developer
#5 - June 7, 2024, 8:46 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Thanks for the feedback so far! We’re not going to be able to respond to every point, but there are a few things I’d like to address now on the raid trinket side.

Regarding tuning generally, many trinket effects were impacted by subsequent scaling changes, and their current beta values are likely misleading. Most will be fixed in the next beta build and should be relatively close to the final numbers.

This trinket is intended to stack up roughly once per minute while avoiding some of the variance inherent in very low RPPM effects (think Neltharion’s Call to Suffering)., so your experience here sounds like a potential bug with its proc triggers. We’re okay with a bit of occasional mystery as long as its reasonably learnable (with something like Inscrutable Quantum Device’s ??? tooltip at the extreme end), but we can look into ways of making the trigger effect requirements clearer in the moment.

This is intended as a DPS trinket with a minor bonus heal. This will be changed to be castable while moving in a future build.

This trinket will be entirely or partially restricted to tank specializations in a future build given the relative strength of its max health effect for other roles as you point out. The next build will also see its tooltip reflect that the health increase is converted to an absorb shield immediately leaving combat; it is not intended that players should be able to easily stack additional max health across the entirety of a M+ run. All PvE trinket effects are also significantly reduced in PvP (50%+). Your critiques are appreciated, and we’re keeping a close eye on this one.

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WoW Developer
#8 - June 7, 2024, 9:26 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Correct, the “snippet” stacks should accumulate at 10 RPPM.

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WoW Developer
#9 - June 7, 2024, 9:29 p.m.
Blizzard Post

By restricted I mean made non-functional as we’ve done in the past (e.g., Gift of Ursine Vengeance). The required loot spec for the trinket is already limited to tanks.


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WoW Developer
#20 - June 10, 2024, 7:48 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Multiple charges may overlap” is intended to signal that each stack has its own duration as opposed to refreshing all stacks for the full duration. The visible duration is only for the most recent application of the buff. We haven’t used this kind of mechanic on a lot of trinkets and most classes don’t use it either, so it might be new for some players. Ironfur is another example.

This function puts a natural cap on the total stacks you can have at any given moment based on the proc rate and duration, so it’s very unlikely to go above three given the particular setup here. Old stacks are consumed to heal if an ally drops below the health threshold, or the stack expires and is converted to the INT buff. The tooltip wording has been updated slightly in the next build to better reflect this.

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WoW Developer
#23 - June 21, 2024, 6:02 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Thanks for calling this out! Key to the Unseeming has been changed to Haste/Mastery in the next build, and we are reviewing potential dungeon loot changes as well.