Trinket changes

#1 - June 5, 2024, 11:15 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Now that you’ve made tanks and healers have less value from dps trinkets, now please make dps unable to use tank trinkets, it is also a plague

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WoW Developer
#2 - June 5, 2024, 11:26 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Assuming a tank trinket has 100% of its budget allocated to damage effects, a tank could expect it to deal equivalent damage to a DPS trinket for them. DPS players would therefore deal ~33% less damage by equipping the tank trinket instead of one intended for their role.

In general, the trinket decision for tanks should feel more along the lines of “deal 100 damage and gain a defensive benefit” with an offensively-oriented tank trinket (or a more defensive option as needed), or “deal 100 damage” with a DPS trinket.

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WoW Developer
#7 - June 5, 2024, 11:57 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Rageheart has a lot going on in terms of its budgeted effects, so let’s use Gift of Ursine and Branch of the Tormented Ancient for our examples since they’re primarily just dealing damage. For the sake of the example, assume all current DPS trinket damage was also reduced by 33% for tanks/healers.

A tank would find that Gift deals about as much overall damage as Branch while also offering some defensive benefit ("100 damage + healing, vs “150*0.66=100 damage”). Branch would deal 50% more damage for a DPS player (“150 damage” vs. “100 damage + healing”). A healer would see the same numbers as a tank between the two options.

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WoW Developer
#9 - June 5, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post

The intention is not that tanks should never use DPS trinkets, but rather that they give up less by opting for a tank trinket. At the same time, tank trinkets should not be attractive options for other roles.